Prayer and Worship at St Peter's


Sacred Scripture is the bedrock of all our collective worship and the message from it, at an age-appropriate level, is the thread which flows throughout all our gatherings.

Our children become confident and passionate leaders of prayer and worship, who have a clear sense of ownership about the prayerful experiences they engage with. During their journey with us, our children understand the pattern of the Church’s liturgical year and how this shapes the ways in which we pray and the presentation of the prayer areas within the school environment. They are proud to talk about the prayer life of the school and their involvement in it.

By linking our prayer focuses to local, national and global issues our children are able to make connections between their personal offerings to God and the wider challenges of life. We always have a ‘Go Forth’ message which the children take with them as a thought or challenge to show their faith in action.

Weekly Pattern of Prayer, Praise and Worship at St Peter’s

Monday: - Whole school assembly with Mrs Sullivan

Tuesday – Whole school singing, praise and prayer with Mrs Bacon, Miss Green and Mrs Brobbin.

Wednesday – Worship in Key Stages with input from our Chaplaincy Team.

Thursday – Class Worship including Stay and Pray for parents and carers.

Friday – Whole school celebration gathering – parents and carers all welcome to attend.

Worshipping Community:

As a school community we celebrate the opportunities to pray and worship together. We attend Mass at St Peter’s Church at least once a half term with Father Stamp and our children take an active role in this. We also have weekly ‘Stay and Pray’ on a Thursday where our parents, carers, grandparents and siblings are invited to join the children for their class worship at 9am. Each Advent we send home the ‘Travelling Nativity’ to our families to support them in creating a time and space for prayer and reflection in their home environments. We also gather as a Catholic cluster 3 times a year at All Saints Catholic High School to worship in a Valley Mass, Advent Service and Lenten Mass.


Prayer and Worship at St Peter's


Sacred Scripture is the bedrock of all our collective worship and the message from it, at an age-appropriate level, is the thread which flows throughout all our gatherings.

Our children become confident and passionate leaders of prayer and worship, who have a clear sense of ownership about the prayerful experiences they engage with. During their journey with us, our children understand the pattern of the Church’s liturgical year and how this shapes the ways in which we pray and the presentation of the prayer areas within the school environment. They are proud to talk about the prayer life of the school and their involvement in it.

By linking our prayer focuses to local, national and global issues our children are able to make connections between their personal offerings to God and the wider challenges of life. We always have a ‘Go Forth’ message which the children take with them as a thought or challenge to show their faith in action.

Weekly Pattern of Prayer, Praise and Worship at St Peter’s

Monday: - Whole school assembly with Mrs Sullivan

Tuesday – Whole school singing, praise and prayer with Mrs Bacon, Miss Green and Mrs Brobbin.

Wednesday – Worship in Key Stages with input from our Chaplaincy Team.

Thursday – Class Worship including Stay and Pray for parents and carers.

Friday – Whole school celebration gathering – parents and carers all welcome to attend.

Worshipping Community:

As a school community we celebrate the opportunities to pray and worship together. We attend Mass at St Peter’s Church at least once a half term with Father Stamp and our children take an active role in this. We also have weekly ‘Stay and Pray’ on a Thursday where our parents, carers, grandparents and siblings are invited to join the children for their class worship at 9am. Each Advent we send home the ‘Travelling Nativity’ to our families to support them in creating a time and space for prayer and reflection in their home environments. We also gather as a Catholic cluster 3 times a year at All Saints Catholic High School to worship in a Valley Mass, Advent Service and Lenten Mass.


Prayer and Worship at St Peter's


Sacred Scripture is the bedrock of all our collective worship and the message from it, at an age-appropriate level, is the thread which flows throughout all our gatherings.

Our children become confident and passionate leaders of prayer and worship, who have a clear sense of ownership about the prayerful experiences they engage with. During their journey with us, our children understand the pattern of the Church’s liturgical year and how this shapes the ways in which we pray and the presentation of the prayer areas within the school environment. They are proud to talk about the prayer life of the school and their involvement in it.

By linking our prayer focuses to local, national and global issues our children are able to make connections between their personal offerings to God and the wider challenges of life. We always have a ‘Go Forth’ message which the children take with them as a thought or challenge to show their faith in action.

Weekly Pattern of Prayer, Praise and Worship at St Peter’s

Monday: - Whole school assembly with Mrs Sullivan

Tuesday – Whole school singing, praise and prayer with Mrs Bacon, Miss Green and Mrs Brobbin.

Wednesday – Worship in Key Stages with input from our Chaplaincy Team.

Thursday – Class Worship including Stay and Pray for parents and carers.

Friday – Whole school celebration gathering – parents and carers all welcome to attend.

Worshipping Community:

As a school community we celebrate the opportunities to pray and worship together. We attend Mass at St Peter’s Church at least once a half term with Father Stamp and our children take an active role in this. We also have weekly ‘Stay and Pray’ on a Thursday where our parents, carers, grandparents and siblings are invited to join the children for their class worship at 9am. Each Advent we send home the ‘Travelling Nativity’ to our families to support them in creating a time and space for prayer and reflection in their home environments. We also gather as a Catholic cluster 3 times a year at All Saints Catholic High School to worship in a Valley Mass, Advent Service and Lenten Mass.


Prayer and Worship at St Peter's


Sacred Scripture is the bedrock of all our collective worship and the message from it, at an age-appropriate level, is the thread which flows throughout all our gatherings.

Our children become confident and passionate leaders of prayer and worship, who have a clear sense of ownership about the prayerful experiences they engage with. During their journey with us, our children understand the pattern of the Church’s liturgical year and how this shapes the ways in which we pray and the presentation of the prayer areas within the school environment. They are proud to talk about the prayer life of the school and their involvement in it.

By linking our prayer focuses to local, national and global issues our children are able to make connections between their personal offerings to God and the wider challenges of life. We always have a ‘Go Forth’ message which the children take with them as a thought or challenge to show their faith in action.

Weekly Pattern of Prayer, Praise and Worship at St Peter’s

Monday: - Whole school assembly with Mrs Sullivan

Tuesday – Whole school singing, praise and prayer with Mrs Bacon, Miss Green and Mrs Brobbin.

Wednesday – Worship in Key Stages with input from our Chaplaincy Team.

Thursday – Class Worship including Stay and Pray for parents and carers.

Friday – Whole school celebration gathering – parents and carers all welcome to attend.

Worshipping Community:

As a school community we celebrate the opportunities to pray and worship together. We attend Mass at St Peter’s Church at least once a half term with Father Stamp and our children take an active role in this. We also have weekly ‘Stay and Pray’ on a Thursday where our parents, carers, grandparents and siblings are invited to join the children for their class worship at 9am. Each Advent we send home the ‘Travelling Nativity’ to our families to support them in creating a time and space for prayer and reflection in their home environments. We also gather as a Catholic cluster 3 times a year at All Saints Catholic High School to worship in a Valley Mass, Advent Service and Lenten Mass.
