St Peter's RCPS, whilst celebrating and benefitting from our Catholic heritage and traditions is a vibrant, dynamic and enterprising learning and worshipping community. Our life as a school is underpinned and inspired by a series of core Christian Values that define our mission, identity and vision. These are:
We frame these Christian Values within the 5Ws
Welcome – How we welcome people into our school community.
Welfare – How we care for the well-being of our school family.
Witness – How we reflect the teachings of the Bible through the way we live our lives.
Word – How we use the Word of God as the template for life and learning.
Worship – How we confidently and enthusiastically proclaim and explore our faith.
We have a 'Vision Motto' for all of our children and staff which is:
Unlocking potential with the keys of love, respect and friendship!
St Peter's RCPS, whilst celebrating and benefitting from our Catholic heritage and traditions is a vibrant, dynamic and enterprising learning and worshipping community. Our life as a school is underpinned and inspired by a series of core Christian Values that define our mission, identity and vision. These are:
We frame these Christian Values within the 5Ws
Welcome – How we welcome people into our school community.
Welfare – How we care for the well-being of our school family.
Witness – How we reflect the teachings of the Bible through the way we live our lives.
Word – How we use the Word of God as the template for life and learning.
Worship – How we confidently and enthusiastically proclaim and explore our faith.
We have a 'Vision Motto' for all of our children and staff which is:
Unlocking potential with the keys of love, respect and friendship!