Chaplaincy Team


Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Mrs Brobbin with lots of support from Mrs Sullivan. 

We are "Missionary Disciples" sent to spread the word of God.

We meet every week to discuss and plan activities, how to lead worship and organise events.


Every 1st Wednesday of every month we plan and lead Workshops, Rosary and Prayer sessions at lunch times, this is craft based and scripture is involved.

Year 6 Chaplaincy Team Year 5 Chaplaincy Team

We are Missionary Disciples

  • Lead prayer and worship, using Sacred Scripture as our foundation. 
  • Arrange activities for all children to take part in during break times. 
  • We have introduced our own school prayer.
  • Prepare charity fundraising events throughout the year. 
  • Show others how to follow in Jesus' footsteps. 

Chaplaincy Award

Every week, five children are chosen to receive a Chaplaincy Award. This is an award for the children that have been seen showing our Christian Values. 

Every child and adult can nominate someone at any time by filling in an award slip, which are in all class prayer areas. 

Winners from each class receive a trophy to keep for the week.

Charity Work

Every year we aim to help lots of people in the community and the wider community.

Over the last 6 years we have:

  • Prepared hampers and delivered to 243 local homes at christmas time.
  • Delivered letters of hope and cards of Joy to random homes of Rossendale.
  • Visited Cornerstones with food and money, to help the homeless.


Raised awareness to help care for God's creation by: 

  • Litter picking in our area and educating people to save energy and water.
  • Creating artwork using re-cycled plastic.
  • Singing and crafts with the elderly of local nursing homes.
  • Helping with fundraising for various local charities, as a whole school. 


We have taken part in lots of masses by reading bidding prayers, leading the offertory and acting out the Gospels.


We have an outdoor area in school, where we can take other children to pray.

Alongside our Worship Workshops, we also prepare and lead quiet, reflective prayer sessions during lunchtimes, including leading the Rosary.


All our work is dedicated to the Lord. 


Chaplaincy Team


Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Mrs Brobbin with lots of support from Mrs Sullivan. 

We are "Missionary Disciples" sent to spread the word of God.

We meet every week to discuss and plan activities, how to lead worship and organise events.


Every 1st Wednesday of every month we plan and lead Workshops, Rosary and Prayer sessions at lunch times, this is craft based and scripture is involved.

Year 6 Chaplaincy Team Year 5 Chaplaincy Team

We are Missionary Disciples

  • Lead prayer and worship, using Sacred Scripture as our foundation. 
  • Arrange activities for all children to take part in during break times. 
  • We have introduced our own school prayer.
  • Prepare charity fundraising events throughout the year. 
  • Show others how to follow in Jesus' footsteps. 

Chaplaincy Award

Every week, five children are chosen to receive a Chaplaincy Award. This is an award for the children that have been seen showing our Christian Values. 

Every child and adult can nominate someone at any time by filling in an award slip, which are in all class prayer areas. 

Winners from each class receive a trophy to keep for the week.

Charity Work

Every year we aim to help lots of people in the community and the wider community.

Over the last 6 years we have:

  • Prepared hampers and delivered to 243 local homes at christmas time.
  • Delivered letters of hope and cards of Joy to random homes of Rossendale.
  • Visited Cornerstones with food and money, to help the homeless.


Raised awareness to help care for God's creation by: 

  • Litter picking in our area and educating people to save energy and water.
  • Creating artwork using re-cycled plastic.
  • Singing and crafts with the elderly of local nursing homes.
  • Helping with fundraising for various local charities, as a whole school. 


We have taken part in lots of masses by reading bidding prayers, leading the offertory and acting out the Gospels.


We have an outdoor area in school, where we can take other children to pray.

Alongside our Worship Workshops, we also prepare and lead quiet, reflective prayer sessions during lunchtimes, including leading the Rosary.


All our work is dedicated to the Lord. 


Chaplaincy Team


Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Mrs Brobbin with lots of support from Mrs Sullivan. 

We are "Missionary Disciples" sent to spread the word of God.

We meet every week to discuss and plan activities, how to lead worship and organise events.


Every 1st Wednesday of every month we plan and lead Workshops, Rosary and Prayer sessions at lunch times, this is craft based and scripture is involved.

Year 6 Chaplaincy Team Year 5 Chaplaincy Team

We are Missionary Disciples

  • Lead prayer and worship, using Sacred Scripture as our foundation. 
  • Arrange activities for all children to take part in during break times. 
  • We have introduced our own school prayer.
  • Prepare charity fundraising events throughout the year. 
  • Show others how to follow in Jesus' footsteps. 

Chaplaincy Award

Every week, five children are chosen to receive a Chaplaincy Award. This is an award for the children that have been seen showing our Christian Values. 

Every child and adult can nominate someone at any time by filling in an award slip, which are in all class prayer areas. 

Winners from each class receive a trophy to keep for the week.

Charity Work

Every year we aim to help lots of people in the community and the wider community.

Over the last 6 years we have:

  • Prepared hampers and delivered to 243 local homes at christmas time.
  • Delivered letters of hope and cards of Joy to random homes of Rossendale.
  • Visited Cornerstones with food and money, to help the homeless.


Raised awareness to help care for God's creation by: 

  • Litter picking in our area and educating people to save energy and water.
  • Creating artwork using re-cycled plastic.
  • Singing and crafts with the elderly of local nursing homes.
  • Helping with fundraising for various local charities, as a whole school. 


We have taken part in lots of masses by reading bidding prayers, leading the offertory and acting out the Gospels.


We have an outdoor area in school, where we can take other children to pray.

Alongside our Worship Workshops, we also prepare and lead quiet, reflective prayer sessions during lunchtimes, including leading the Rosary.


All our work is dedicated to the Lord. 


Chaplaincy Team


Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Mrs Brobbin with lots of support from Mrs Sullivan. 

We are "Missionary Disciples" sent to spread the word of God.

We meet every week to discuss and plan activities, how to lead worship and organise events.


Every 1st Wednesday of every month we plan and lead Workshops, Rosary and Prayer sessions at lunch times, this is craft based and scripture is involved.

Year 6 Chaplaincy Team Year 5 Chaplaincy Team

We are Missionary Disciples

  • Lead prayer and worship, using Sacred Scripture as our foundation. 
  • Arrange activities for all children to take part in during break times. 
  • We have introduced our own school prayer.
  • Prepare charity fundraising events throughout the year. 
  • Show others how to follow in Jesus' footsteps. 

Chaplaincy Award

Every week, five children are chosen to receive a Chaplaincy Award. This is an award for the children that have been seen showing our Christian Values. 

Every child and adult can nominate someone at any time by filling in an award slip, which are in all class prayer areas. 

Winners from each class receive a trophy to keep for the week.

Charity Work

Every year we aim to help lots of people in the community and the wider community.

Over the last 6 years we have:

  • Prepared hampers and delivered to 243 local homes at christmas time.
  • Delivered letters of hope and cards of Joy to random homes of Rossendale.
  • Visited Cornerstones with food and money, to help the homeless.


Raised awareness to help care for God's creation by: 

  • Litter picking in our area and educating people to save energy and water.
  • Creating artwork using re-cycled plastic.
  • Singing and crafts with the elderly of local nursing homes.
  • Helping with fundraising for various local charities, as a whole school. 


We have taken part in lots of masses by reading bidding prayers, leading the offertory and acting out the Gospels.


We have an outdoor area in school, where we can take other children to pray.

Alongside our Worship Workshops, we also prepare and lead quiet, reflective prayer sessions during lunchtimes, including leading the Rosary.


All our work is dedicated to the Lord. 


Chaplaincy Team


Our Chaplaincy Team is led by Mrs Brobbin with lots of support from Mrs Sullivan. 

We are "Missionary Disciples" sent to spread the word of God.

We meet every week to discuss and plan activities, how to lead worship and organise events.


Every 1st Wednesday of every month we plan and lead Workshops, Rosary and Prayer sessions at lunch times, this is craft based and scripture is involved.

Year 6 Chaplaincy Team Year 5 Chaplaincy Team

We are Missionary Disciples

  • Lead prayer and worship, using Sacred Scripture as our foundation. 
  • Arrange activities for all children to take part in during break times. 
  • We have introduced our own school prayer.
  • Prepare charity fundraising events throughout the year. 
  • Show others how to follow in Jesus' footsteps. 

Chaplaincy Award

Every week, five children are chosen to receive a Chaplaincy Award. This is an award for the children that have been seen showing our Christian Values. 

Every child and adult can nominate someone at any time by filling in an award slip, which are in all class prayer areas. 

Winners from each class receive a trophy to keep for the week.

Charity Work

Every year we aim to help lots of people in the community and the wider community.

Over the last 6 years we have:

  • Prepared hampers and delivered to 243 local homes at christmas time.
  • Delivered letters of hope and cards of Joy to random homes of Rossendale.
  • Visited Cornerstones with food and money, to help the homeless.


Raised awareness to help care for God's creation by: 

  • Litter picking in our area and educating people to save energy and water.
  • Creating artwork using re-cycled plastic.
  • Singing and crafts with the elderly of local nursing homes.
  • Helping with fundraising for various local charities, as a whole school. 


We have taken part in lots of masses by reading bidding prayers, leading the offertory and acting out the Gospels.


We have an outdoor area in school, where we can take other children to pray.

Alongside our Worship Workshops, we also prepare and lead quiet, reflective prayer sessions during lunchtimes, including leading the Rosary.


All our work is dedicated to the Lord. 
