E-Safety Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement


At St Peter’s we believe that online safety is paramount, and the statements below reflect our policy. We ask you to please read and discuss the following statements with your child so you both understand and agree to follow the school rules when using technology and being online.

Once you have both understood, please sign both your names below. Thank you.

These following statements involve the use of technology in school and at home


  1. I will only use the computer, I-pad, laptops, apps, sites and games I know I am allowed to and when I am allowed to.
  2. If I post online, I will think and check that my comment is polite and respectful and think of my classmates feelings.

  3. I will not send hurtful messages to anybody online.

  4. I know that I shouldn’t share my personal information online to people. (Full name, photos, birthday, address, phone number, school and passwords)

  5. I will treat all pieces of IT respectfully and carefully.

  6. I will not search deliberately for something rude or violent.

  7. I know to tell a teacher or parent if I am worried, upset, scared or confused.

  8. I will tell an adult if I feel my friend needs help or is in danger.

  9. I know people online aren’t always who they say they are and they could be lying.

  10. I know that it is okay for teachers and my parents to check what I do online.

  11. I know not to click on any unexpected links or pop ups or download things without asking a trusted adult first.

  12. If I use Teams or my Outlook email, I will use it for school purposes only.

  13. I will respect other people’s work. I will only edit or delete my own work.

  14. I will not become friends with anybody online who I do not know in person.

  15. I will follow age restrictions when using apps and games.
Signing to say you have read and understood the agreement (Please complete one per child)
Max length 120 characters
Max length 120 characters